How to deal with these troublemakers? Is there any way to keep a check on these potential threats? Yes, there are some powerful ways to remove the poisonous elements in your workplace. Here are 8 behaviours of toxic employees.

1. They believe in a One Man Show

Toxic employees are on first sight really hardworking employees who devote a lot of time for the company’s growth. You must be thinking: It’s great to have such an employee. A big NO. These type of employees becomes arrogant in their approach. They don’t believe in group work.They roam around with an ‘I-Know-Everything’ attitude and disturb the flow of the workplace. They constantly demotivate co-workers by teaching them the right way to do things. They are always found interfering in other’s work by looking the project with their vision only. They don’t care about other’s efforts. How to tackle these Interfering Employees? Give them a paid break. Due to excessive work, their mind needs some rest. If you can’t afford a break, introduce some stress-busting measures in your office. Start giving more incentives to team effort.

2. They are creative monsters

They are the masters in finding ways to avoid work. Instead of finding new solutions for the company’s growth, they are busy in finding creative solutions for  their ‘avoidance rate’ growth. These type of employees assign themselves in multiple teams. Then, they start avoiding work by giving lame excuses: I am unable to tackle the workload; there is so much stress in helping all the other team members. But, their contribution is negligible. When the salary review comes, they are always seen standing ahead to highlight all their fake achievements. The best way to tackle these employees is to give them an individual job. Give them deadlines for job completion. Highlight their solo efforts and award them for their dedicated output. This simple approach will make them feel special. Who doesn’t want to feel special?

3. They are ‘big time’ procrastinators

They believe in the ‘I-will-do-it-tomorrow’ approach. Do you know the worst part? Tomorrow never comes. Most of the time, they are seen doing all the stretching exercises in their chair and wasting time with a yawning job. They spread dullness in the group and decrease the productivity of the whole group. They don’t pay any attention to deadlines. They are on the top ten list of absentees. They don’t  care what managers or other team members thinks about them. How to tackle these lazy creatures? Surprise them by unscheduled visits and reviews. Give them some authoritative work. When they are held accountable for a particular task, they will take things seriously.

4. They make a trap by creating an emotional scene

Beware of employees who try to make you an emotional fool. They mix their marital, financial and health life with their corporate life. They make innocent faces to take out work from other employees. They are experts in creating a ‘self-pity’ zone. They are always hungry for free attention. People look at them with a sad look. They love to be patted consolingly on their shoulder. In order to stay away from their deceptive looks, don’t connect family matters with official matters. Your employees get the salary for their work only. There is no harm in giving leave to the genuine employees. But, keep a watch on these drama kings (or queen)

5. They are always busy with negative gossiping

These type of employees create mistrust between co-workers and the management team. They love to start rumors about the company and spread nonsense stories about co-worker’s personal lives. Despite getting the perfect work environment, they always waste time in filling the workplace with their negative vibes. They usually start their conversion in this way: ‘Do you know about that thing’. They bring down the productivity level of the whole team. Talk to these employees individually. Don’t blast their emails with this type of cold message: ‘Don’t involve yourself in negative office gossips’. Meet them and ask the reason behind their negative attitude. Develop the habit of positive gossips. Share positive stories of employees who come up with innovative ideas. Spread the news of your productive employees.

6. They always desire to resist the authorities.

These type of employees form a secret group with their co-workers. They raise the issue by involving other people to fulfill their personal motives. Their rebellious nature disrupts the smooth functioning of the workplace. They always test the patience of the authority. When their boss takes any strict action, they are the ones who break the unity of the group by leaving it instantly. It is very easy to tackle these type of employees. There is no need to teach them anything. Nothing will go in their heads. Have a meeting with the other group members. Tell them about the selfish intention of these employees. They are nothing without the help of the group members. When the group members leave them, they feel powerless.

7. They are busy in virtual shopping

The digital era has revolutionized the way of shopping. Toxic employees don’t bother about the company’s growth chart. They are only bothered about filling the favorite items in their wishlist. These virtual shopaholics boast about their purchased products. They finalize their deal from the office only. And, give the address of the office for picking up the products. In short, these kinds of employees turn the office into a shopping palace How to tackle these virtual shopaholics. Most of them, make the transactions from office card only. So, keep a track on the company’s credit cards of these employees by checking the expense reports.

8. They yell at their co-workers and clients

These short-tempered employees always create a nuisance. Many employees have lots of complaints about  them. They disrespect co-workers and speak rudely with clients. As a result, high performing employees think about searching for a better option. And, the clients look out for other service providers. In order to tackle these kinds of employees, understand their psyche. Sometimes, a productive employee behaves in an awkward manner. They might be having some personal issues. Meet them personally and clarify all the problems. Keep a track of their progress. If they don’t control their temper, it is better to leave them.