1. Introverts are good judges of character

Because introverts keep to themselves, they have more time to observe the people around them and truly see what kind of people they are. Studies have shown that introverts didn’t give high ratings to their extroverted employees, which shows that introverts are more aware of any personality traits in an individual that may seem negative. Therefore, they are good judges of people’s character as they see everyone for who they really are as opposed to who they appear to be.

2. Introverts are more creative

Studies have shown that because introverts enjoying spending so much time alone, they are able to work on their creative projects more attentively. An introverted person is able to spend time alone and work on their projects which make them more creative overall.

3. Introverts are good decision makers

Studies have shown that introverts enjoy sitting and thinking about things before they take risks. This allows them to weigh out the pros on and cons of something before they take the leap. They have the ability to ‘think before they act’ so to speak and thus have excellent decision making skills.

4. Introverts enjoy things more

Introverts are able to savour the stimulation of their senses a lot more. Studies have shown that introverts are more sensitive to stimuli. Therefore, they are able to enjoy bites of food and whiffs of roses a lot more.

5. Introverts are independent

Because introverts enjoy working in solitude and often spend time by themselves, they learn to be pretty independent.  Studies have shown that introverts work well when they are by themselves which allows them to become more independent.  They are able to do things by themselves without depending on other people which makes them self-sufficient.

6. Introverts take life seriously

Hans Eysenck, a German psychologist, stated that an introvert “…takes matters of every day life with proper seriousness…” Therefore introverts are able to be more meticulous with their actions in their life. They do things to make sure their life remains stable, which is a great trait to have.

7. Introverts don’t let their feelings get out of control

Because of their quiet demeanor they are able to keep their feelings under the surface. Eysenck described it as being able to “…keep his feelings under close control.” This is a good trait to have when dealing with personal situations as well as professional ones. Introverts don’t allow their feelings to complicate already complicated situations which makes them good mediators.

8. Introverts are reliable

Despite the fact that introverts aren’t stimulated by people around them, this doesn’t mean they aren’t reliable people when other people depend on them. All the characteristics of an introvert make them reliable to people around them. They take life seriously, they control their emotions and they make good decisions which make them people that other peoplle can depend on. Eysenck also stated that an introvert “distrusts the impulse of a moment.” This is a trait that makes it easier for other people to rely on introverts. Everyone needs an introvert in their life.