No matter how you define your priorities (kids, career, health, access to an all-night taco stand), there are seven solid things that successful women do to have it all.

1. They Define Success On Their Own Terms.

Before starting my business, I thought success meant having a fancy title, a corner office, and a paycheck the size of Texas. And because of that conditioned narrow view, it took years for me to discover that success, to me, meant freedom. – Freedom to choose how I spend my time and with whom. – Freedom to express myself in a way that feels true to me. – Freedom to Skype my clients while wearing sweatpants. The point is that until you know exactly what success means to you, you aren’t going to achieve it.

2. They Choose Where To Invest Their Energy.

Simply put, people who have it all aren’t running on autopilot. They are consciously choosing to invest their time, energy, and money on the things that help them to feel happy, fulfilled, and energized.

3. They Schedule Their Priorities Instead Of Prioritizing Their Schedules.

Women who have it all don’t fill their calendars with meetings, errands and obligations to others, and then wonder where their time goes. They fill their time with the actions that help them to turn their dreams into reality. Instead of prioritizing their “To Do” List, successful women prioritize their goals. They make sure to schedule in time for the big tickets items (like starting that business) and the less-than-desirable tasks (like starting that laundry) each day.

4. They Make Time For Themselves.

Women who have it all put themselves first. Not in a selfish way, but in an I-respect-myself-too-much-not-to-honor-my-needs kind of way. And no, it doesn’t mean you need to turn off your phone and disappear on a yoga retreat (though it certainly wouldn’t hurt). It can be as simple as committing to a morning meditation, an afternoon walk, or an evening cup of tea. Successful women know that carving out time for yourself, in whatever form it takes, is a simple act of self-love and self-care.

5. They Set Boundaries.

Fact: Sometimes people are the worst. They ask to borrow your car (again), they don’t return the only working office stapler to your desk, or they simply fill your time with negativity. Women who have it all got it all because they worked for it all. They shed their co-dependent ways and honor their needs enough to express their boundaries in a loving and respectful way.

6. They Accept Responsibility.

Women who have it all, own it all. They are willing to take ownership of every area of their lives. If something’s not working, they don’t blame others and they don’t play the martyr. Instead, they take responsibility. They accept what they think they deserve. Women who have it all know they deserve love, happiness, and respect.

7. They Cultivate Gratitude.

They focus on what they have instead of what they don’t have. Because not only does this condition our brains to attract more of the good stuff, but it also allows us to approach the world from a place of abundance instead of lack. And abundance, in any form, is akin to having it all. It doesn’t take money or a team of 10 to have it all. All it takes is a few simple tweaks to ensure that you’re spending less time putting out fires and more time on what matters most. Featured photo credit: via