1. You would rather notify flight attendants of your condition than suffer in silence

You  know that flight attendants are experienced in dealing with passengers who have had your condition before and you make sure to alert them before take-off to keep an eye on you during a flight. Flight attendants are extra vigilant about nervous fliers and make sure to check on them often. Having this extra support helps ease your mind a bit by knowing you have a safety net if you start to feel your anxiety levels rise.

2. You do anything to keep busy

It is important to distract yourself at all times while airborne to keep your nerves at bay. You always make sure that your iPad is loaded with your favorite movies and TV shows. You buy your favorite magazine at the airport because you know that it will help you forgot that you are 35,000 feet up in the air.

3. You always eat a light snack before flying

Flying on an empty stomach is your worse enemy. Being anxious, while having low blood sugar is a recipe for disaster that you have experienced firsthand. You always make sure to come stocked with healthy snacks like a homemade turkey sandwich or a handful of almonds to give you energy.

4. You know to book early and choose a seat in the front

Last minute booking is not ideal, because you are stuck with the back seats. Sitting in the back is the worst for nervous flyers because that is where the most turbulence is. To make your ride as smooth as possible it’s important to choose a seat as close to the front as possible.

5. You prefer an aisle seat

Avoiding a window seat at all costs, you always try to book a aisle seat. Being able to see outside just heightens your fear and makes you constantly remember that you are flying high above the clouds. Being next to the aisle also brings you comfort because it eases your mind knowing that you have a quick escape to the emergency exit if something does go awry.

6. You are careful what you drink before a flight

Drinking any form of a stimulant is something that you avoid whenever you fly. To get your mind at ease, you prefer drinking herbal tea like chamomile that has been known to have a soothing effect. You also avoid any form of alcohol, because even through a glass of wine is known to calm your nerves, it will ultimately leave you feeling more dehydrated and lethargic and will not help in the long run.

7. You know the power of shutting out the noise

Creating a peaceful environment is a number one priority when you are flying. Whether you use noise-canceling earphones or just plain old earplugs, you have realized long ago that your fear of being airborne lessens when you are able to drown out the background noise. Listening to crying babies or loud passengers can create more stress, but having the right tools to block them out is a easy solution for your peace of mind. Featured photo credit: Flickr via flickr.com