1. They tune into their senses to more fully experience life

People who love rain bask in their experiences. They can describe the rain in vivid detail, from the mesmerizing pitter-patter sound, to the hypnotic way each drop magnifies and changes the scenery on the on the other side of the window pane. Pluviophiles appreciate the scent of a fresh storm and the delicious feel of water dripping down their skin. They even know the taste of fresh drops as they look upwards with arms outstretched and welcome a cool drink from the clouds.

2. They live in the moment

Happiness researcher, Dr. Matt Killingsworth, used a smartphone app called “Track Your Happiness” to have people report their level of happiness during specific activities in real time. What he found out was that there is a direct link between happiness and being completely present in whatever one is doing. What better way to get lost in the moment than playfully splashing through puddles?

3. They are more confident in themselves

Let’s face it, if you’re an adult running around like a four-year-old in the rain, you probably don’t care a whole lot about what others think. People who love the rain are actually proud of it. They are the cool ones, and everyone who is inside being miserable is missing out. Even if a pluviophile’s hair gets wet and their makeup runs, they don’t care. They still look good.

4. They are more resilient during tough times

Pluviophiles understand very well that it takes a little rain to make the flowers grow. When things get a little rough in life, these are the people who will remind you that “this too shall pass.” In fact, they know that challenges are necessary to seize the best opportunities. You don’t get rainbows unless you also have rain.

5. They know how to keep things in perspective

A true rain lover would never dream of freaking out about the weather. It’s a few tiny raindrops, not a zombie apocalypse. Pluviophiles know how to look at the simple realities of life and put them in context. If you ever need someone to talk you off a ledge, go find someone who loves the rain. They will have you in your zen place in no time.

6. They can see beauty in sadness

Just as the rain brings a clean scent and new life, rain lovers also appreciate the cleansing renewal of a good cry. One of the pluviophiles favorite ways to spend a rainy day is snuggled up on the couch or in bed while watching a good tearjerker.

7. They have a keen sense of their own mortality

Nothing makes a person live life more fully like knowing how fleeting it can be. While they enjoy dancing between raindrops and singing every “rain” song they can think of, rain lovers can also be deeply introspective. A stormy day provides the perfect opportunity to contemplate life. As they look at swiftly moving clouds and wet leaves falling from trees, they think about their own passing days. Rain lovers know the true meaning of the expression, “You only live once.” Featured photo credit: Shutterstock via mystockphoto.com