They are independent

Single moms do not expect any handouts from anyone and they do well to give their family the kind of lifestyle and resources that they need. It’s about working hard and sometimes fighting through the storm, to make sure they are able to provide what their family needs. In working hard for everything she has, a single mom is able to inspire her kids to be independent and understand that a major determinant for success is not waiting for anyone to help you out, but going all out to get what you want for yourself.

They don’t complain

Of course, through the process of making home a satisfying place for her kids to be, there will be tough times. But throughout these tough times single moms don’t complain or start allocating blame for this problem, or that problem. They simply work harder and try to solve their problems, rather than whine or make the situation out to be worse than it actually is.

They stretch themselves

It is tough being a single mother, a provider for the home, and learning new skills can be a frequent occurrence. Single moms don’t settle; sometimes this means they go back to school, participate in a seminar, or challenge themselves with a new form of training. Single moms stretch themselves emotionally and physically to give their children the best. In doing so, they demonstrate a major lesson in life, which is to never settle for being average and to always push yourself towards excellence- no matter what odds you are up against.

They learn to forgive

Life doesn’t simply hand out rewards to you. You have to earn it. Also, in doing so, you must maintain the right attitude. Although most single mums have gone through pain or a loss, they do not let this rule their world. They let go and move on. They never let adversity harden their spirit. They are positive and want to make the best out of their situation. In life you shouldn’t hold on to a grudge or become bitter about everything around you, rather focus on contributing to the world positively.

They are not wasteful

Being a single mom means that you have to appreciate everything you have and sometimes you have to manage your resources appropriately. It takes creativity to manage money because you understand that some days will be bright and others will be stormy. Some days will be colorful and others colorless. It takes initiative and judiciousness to get through dark periods with stability and resilience. Hence, even when they are experiencing fruitful times, single moms know the importance of planning and preparing for the rainy days ahead. Single moms learn to maximize what they have, instead of focusing on what they lack.

They learn to be happy

At the end of the day, it isn’t having it all that makes you happy. There is joy to be found in the simple things, like watching your kids grow, seeing them graduate- or finding out that they’ll be starting their own family. It is not about having it all, but being appreciative for what you do have.

They know they are complete, regardless of the situation

You don’t have to look for someone to complete you. Single moms are complete and even if they don’t have a romantic partner to appreciate them, they know there’s no point in breaking a sweat about it. They pursue their dreams. They fight through the storm and focus on their own strength, becoming more confident and sure of themselves in the process. Featured photo credit: via