But seriously, what’s a “natural poker face,” you ask? Well, it’s basically the gender neutral version of “resting bitch face.” So if you’re somebody who tends to have a blank, emotionless, slightly annoyed-looking expression on your face at all times, you too are likely afflicted by this condition. But don’t worry – you definitely aren’t the only one! What kinds of struggles do people like this suffer through on a daily basis? Read on to find out!

1. You are constantly asked if you’re unhappy.

This is probably the most common thing you’ll be asked. And the answer is almost always, despite what your expression might suggest, a resounding NO!  The ironic thing is that the more you’re asked this question, the more unhappy you actually become!

2. People think you are mocking them.

Let’s say someone tells you a joke. You think it’s super funny, but because of how your face works, they can’t tell. Usually you’ll have to actually say something like, “wow that was hilarious,” in order to reassure them that you do truly enjoy their sense of humor.

3. You rarely have people approach you.

You could be the most good looking person in the world, and it wouldn’t matter. With your natural poker face, few will find the courage to approach you unless you make the first move. This can of course have its pros and cons. If you are more introverted, you might enjoy the peace and quiet. But if you are a bubbly, extroverted type, you’ll have to work extra hard to ensure that your face doesn’t revert to its natural expression.

4. People will think you’re demanding.

Most folks with a natural poker face look pretty intense, even when they’re saying the most mundane things. For example, let’s say you’re doing a group project and you’re ordered to lead it. When you give out instructions, you’ll look almost dictatorial when you’re doling out orders, despite the fact that that’s not what you intended at all. This means you’ll have to be super careful if you’re ever in a position of power, as folks might get the wrong idea. And for most, it helps to act super cheerful in those situations. This is because your version of the “super cheerful” expression will look like a standard “happy expression” to most normal folks.

5. You will be judged (unfairly) a lot of the time.

Despite the fact that people with this permanently bored or annoyed expression are usually too busy mulling over their own thoughts to notice those around them, they’ll still be accused of looking like they’re “judging” other people. Which is kind of ironic, because by accusing you of being judgmental (due to your expression), others are being judgmental themselves.

6. You have to load up on caffeine whenever you want to be social.

Sometimes, in order to give yourself a boost and dispel some of that permanent poker face, indulging in a few cups of coffee do the trick. This will deter your co-workers or classmates from asking if you’re alright or if you’re having a bad day. The moral of the story is that sometimes you’ll need a little help when navigating the social playing field. For some, that help comes in the form of caffeine, but you might have another trick up your sleeve. Because sometimes caffeine can result in that fun little setback of a caffeine crash, save that trick for important situations, like when you’re with good friends or out on a date. At all other times, folks will just have to learn to love the expression you were born with. Have a funny story that involves your naturally smoldering expression? Let us know in the comments below! Featured photo credit: Annoyed/Cristiano Betta via flic.kr