I’m sure you’ve heard the term ‘Rat Race’. It seems like all we do as Americans is wake up, eat breakfast, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch TV, and go to bed. The routine starts all over again the next day. It seems like we have become robots that are set on auto-pilot. We gaze into the television screen like there’s no tomorrow. We kiss our spouse goodbye as if we’ll always be able to kiss them goodbye. We go through the motions as if we had no emotions, feelings, or drive.

Reality Check

You deserve to have a fulfilling and rewarding life and marriage. Not one of us are alike. You are unique, beautiful, and compassionate. Don’t allow life to take over. Live your life to your fullest potential and love those that are close to your heart. For you to start living a fulfilling and rewarding life you must plan your weeks and days around what is important and valued in your life. It’s the little things that matter, such as hugging your spouse or taking care of yourself – both mentally and physically.

How to Plan Your Week So You Can Start Living a More Fulfilling and Rewarding Life

On a final note

When you’re at work, be at work. When you’re at home, be at home. In order to live a fulfilling and rewarding life, it’s important to stay focused on what is in front of you. For you to be successful at work, you must be focused on the current task. For you to be successful as a spouse, you must be focused on being a loving and supporting spouse. What are your values and beliefs in life? Live life in alignment with these. Schedule your week around what you most value. Live with passion!