This principal occurs on a much larger scale in daily life, and I’m going to share how you can recognise and utilise it to benefit you. These five steps have helped me transform my life in amazing ways. I went from Struggle Street, to millionaire and beyond. I finally found a way I could play the game of life, and win! Here’s what you can to do to open yourself and attract synchronistic events into your life:

Form a Clear Intention

Become absolutely clear of your goal. Be as specific as possible. Write it down. Visualize it! Give as much detail as possible. When I first did this step my motivation was 100% financial. I decided I wanted to be wealthy, but more specifically, I wanted to earn $50K/month. I was a time poor, grumpy, financially challenged mechanic, and the idea of earning $50K/month was beyond my reality. But I stuck with my intention and my specific dollar amount, and this change of mindset opened me up to a chain of synchronistic events that brought me to my goal. Once you are crystal clear on what you wish to create, aligned ‘coincidences’ will start presenting to you. For me, it was meeting three separate men, who shared their success stories with me, who all earned exactly $50K/month. Stay firm in the belief that you can do it. The only limit is your imagination. Accept that your life can change for the better, you don’t need to know how at this point, you just have to believe it.

Stop Resisting Outcomes

You set the clear intention, great. What happens next? The ‘what ifs’ drift in. It’s a self-survival tool our mind utilizes to guard against negative outcomes. You must resist. When something happens to take you off track, it makes you think you can’t achieve the goal and you give up a little bit of hope on that clear intention. You’re no longer suspending disbelief of your pie-in-the-sky ideal and you slip back into your linear reality. This can happen easily during a conversation with a friend or family member, just trying to protect you. You’ve got to keep suspending the belief. The synchronistic events will follow.

Be Playful with Your Perceptions

Find the opportunity in every event as it pertains to your vision. See any setback as though it was supposed to happen. Instead of being grim and wallowing in current circumstances, stand by your decision and follow through. Be playful with this, start perceiving everything as though it was meant to be, as if it’s leading you closer to your goal. Synchronicity will start playing out in front of you just follow it.

Trust Your Snap Judgement

You have to start trusting in your gut, your intuition, which supports your snap judgements. Those initial instincts that set you on this path were there for a reason. When things start going bad, people have a tendency to say – it’s an omen, get out! Refuse to believe the negative hype, back yourself and jump in with both feet. Before long you’ll be following one synchronistic breadcrumb after another delivering you to everything you’ve envisaged.

Follow the Breadcrumbs

Two weeks into my entrepreneurial adventure, I hadn’t received any wins. This was the date I was supposed to be returning to my job after my holidays, but the boss fired me when he found out I was launching a new business venture. Because I had no job to return to, I kept going. By that fourth week, I had a huge surge in results and started earning more money per week than I was previous banking per month. If I had not been fired, this wouldn’t have occurred. That was the final breadcrumb in a line of meaningful coincidences that all equated to one struggling mechanic’s rise to successful entrepreneurship, and his first pie-in-the-sky achievement of $50K/month. This, of course, can apply to absolutely anything your life. Weight loss, health, relationships, and lifestyle goals. Each one must start with a clear intention, steadfast focus, the ability to see events from your chosen perception, and trusting your gut! Beliefs are self-fulfilling prophecies. Beliefs create reality, for everyone! Coincidence is one thing, but when it happens a hundred times in a row, to people around you, and to yourself, that’s beyond coincidence. That’s the Universe sending you breadcrumbs. That’s synchronicity working for you. Featured photo credit: Erik Odiin via