Simply following the overused fashion trends or wearing expensive clothes will not help you get a distinct style. However, a few simple, yet effective, tips can help you get your mojo. Here are 5 style tips that will make you stand out among your peers.

1. Be yourself.

Why be a second-rate version of anybody else when you can be the first rate version of yourself? Nothing will help you stand out of the crowd more than your originality and authenticity because there can be only one you. Everyone has their own belief, way of thinking, mind-set and experiences that shape his style. However, self-doubt and fear of disapproval drive many to abandon their ways and follow what everyone else is doing. Imitating others will make you just another face in a crowd. Break free from the conformist approach to fashion and let your style reflect your individuality.

2. Be bold.

If you want to express your personality through fashion, you will have to be fearless. When you try something different, at first, you will have to overcome your fears of rejection. Then, you have to face people who do not approve of your fashion sense. Let’s face it; you can’t please everyone. The way you dress, the way you carry yourself will rub some people the wrong way. People have a habit of criticizing what they do not understand. Do not let the naysayers determine your style. You can and should have your own style. In fact, explore and experiment with different styles that may be completely non-conventional to find something that you prefer.

3. Keep an open mind.

Open-mindedness help you see things from a different perspective, understand others, find opportunities, and learn from others. The benefits of having an open mind can be very helpful in defining your style. There are several styles that you should explore and determine what suits your personality. Who knows, you may be a goth or punk or any other alternative fashion enthusiast, yet to discover your true calling. Even if you are not awed by a particular style, you can always draw inspirations from it to incorporate into your own style.

Fashion is forever evolving. What worked yesterday, may not work today. Take the bell bottom trousers for example – a highly sought after apparel at its pinnacle in the 60s and 70s, hardly anyone wears them nowadays. As society changes, so does fashion. Changing trends reflect the changes in people’s taste. Similarly, your sense of fashion changes as you garner more experience in life. Keeping track of the latest trends will help you redefine your style. While it is not absolutely necessary to follow every new trend, which is impossible, you can emulate the ones that you like.

5. Wear your confidence.

Your attitude when wearing an attire can make a significant difference on how you look. You can wear a very beautiful dress, but if you can’t carry it with confidence, it will not look good on you. On the other hand, even an average dress looks fabulous on people who wear it confidently. Just look at Lady Gaga. Her dresses may be very weird, but she wears them with such self-assuredness that people are in awe of her. In contrast, picture a girl uncomfortably wearing high heels. Her awkward strides will only draw winces from people seeing her. The role of confidence on your personality can’t be overstated. If you are unsure about your outfit, do not wear it. Do not wear an uncomfortable dress just because everyone is wearing it or because it really suits your friend. Similarly, when you don an attire, trust yourself and wear it confidently. Remember, it is okay to have your own style as long as you are confident with it.