Healthy skin requires a healthy mind and body, and young skin requires substances that are more natural. Our cosmetics, creams, and anti-aging serums contain tons of chemicals, which eventually can cause our skin to become dependent. However, our ancestors kept a youthful glow by just using nature’s purest cosmetics. That’s why I’ve decided to put together a few tips and tricks that will allow you to reach that goal of younger and healthier-looking skin. Fresh and young skin can definitely do wonders for one’s confidence.

1. Tomatoes Are Both For Faces and Bloody Marys

Bloody Marys are well known as a lovely summer drink. However, it’s always been less popular among certain crowds as it can remind one of pizza sauce with alcohol. Aside from being an ingredient in this summer beverage, tomatoes also do possess extensive qualities that tighten the skin’s pores and keep it fresh and young. Fortunately, you don’t need to spend a fortune in purchasing products for a tomato facial. Instead, go to the supermarket and choose the biggest and juiciest tomatoes. The juicer the better, as this makes for a smooth application. Cut the tomatoes into 4 halves and gently rub them all over your face. Rub clockwise and relax for the next 40 minutes. After washing your face, you’ll feel the difference. Practice this regularly, about three to four times a week, and you’ll start noticing the difference. This method guarantees fewer wrinkles, smaller pores, and tight skin that erases any thoughts of getting Botox.

2. Turmeric Paste: An Ancient Indian Tradition

Indians have always been known to the western world for having amazing flawless skin despite the heat. It’s definitely impressive that their skin remains soft, smooth, and fresh despite the grueling heat. Being part Indian, I’ve learned from a very young age that turmeric doesn’t only make curries taste good, but it’s also capable of making you look good. For this, you must use the purest form of Turmeric. Either purchase it as a root or walk to your nearest Bio Cosmetic store to purchase the powdered form. Use warm water, honey or yogurt, and 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder and mix them well. Apply it thoroughly all over your face, avoiding your eyes and lips as those are extremely sensitive areas. Wash it off after 20 minutes to avoid your skin from yellowing. If you’re extremely sensitive, do consult your dermatologist before using turmeric as a form of facial. After you practice applying it once every week for a month, you’ll be able to see the changes, as your skin looks softer and fresher than before.

3. Placenta Pills: There’s A Reason Why Celebrities Use Them

Have you ever wondered why Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, and other celebrities prefer turning their placentas into tiny tablets? Well, the reason is that the placenta contains high amounts of collagen, as it’s the sole provider of nutrients to the fetus. Placenta as a medication for beauty and prosperity has long been practiced in ancient Chinese medicine. It’s known for possessing anti-aging qualities which, to this day, is still sought after. Fortunately, science has made it possible for anyone to use placenta pills as an anti-aging regimen. Using placentas from mammals such as cows and sheep, it is now easier for many of us to use these pills. Rest assured that placenta pills are made naturally with no chemicals, however the best advice is to always do your own research before purchasing. It’s been proven that consistent use tightens your skin and reduces cellulite. This gives you a younger appearance and can lead to higher self-esteem.

4. Cucumbers and Sleep

It’s surprising that the key to younger-looking skin is usually the simplest regimen. Sleep and cucumbers are the best remedies for a tired face. One housemate of mine even sleeps for eight whole hours with cucumbers on her eyes. Whenever I see her, she still looks as young as the last time I saw her. When you sleep, your body replenishes its dead tissues and your skin cells regenerate for another day. However, in our busy world, sleep has become a luxury, therefore our body, mind, and especially our skin suffers. Always try to get a good night’s rest and use cucumbers to help you avoid dark circles around your eyes. Confidence is something which develops over time and comes with being comfortable in your own body. Use these tips to help you put your best and healthiest face forward. Featured photo credit: Larisa Birta via

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