~ Barbara Alpert. What makes the relationship so special and why my sister is my best friend ever is, because she is my connection to my past, my present and future. We have so many shared memories and she treasures every one of those memories as much as I do. When I look ahead to the future  I see my sister by my side no matter what life path I choose and I am known to be susceptible to choosing many different paths! So what makes my sister my best friend ever? Well, here are 30 things that my sister knows about me which explains exactly why she is my best friend ever. I am sure that if  you have a close relationship with your sister she too will know pretty much the same 30 things about you which of course makes her “your best friend ever”. Can I also just say that some of the 30 things my sister knows about me, nobody else does – so it is kind of scary declaring to the world and if you are reading this and you are my best friend, brother or husband remember I love you dearly!  Please do not use this information against me.This list is not ranked in any order of priority, its just random. Its a funny thing when I first started writing this article I thought wow 30 things is a lot to come up with in regard to what my sister knows about me. However now that I have completed the 30 things she knows about me, I actually have more….maybe I will leave them for another time. “When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?”  ~Pam Brown Featured photo credit: two young women sitting on grass having good time via shutterstock.com