1. Go to a pumpkin patch

2. Find the perfect pumpkin

…which may or may not magically turn into a pie.

3. And don’t forget to save the seeds

Did you know that it’s super easy to bake pumpkin seeds? They’re also super good for you. Plus, you can add any spices you want and they’ll taste awesome.

4. Take a hayride

Why does hay makes everything so great? Who knows. But take advantage anyway.

5. Find some spooky “haunted” locations near you

So you can look like this guy:

6. Go apple picking

7. Then make apple everything

It’s true. You can make everything with apples. That’s why apples are the best.

8. Watch horror movies

At first you might be like…

9. Don’t forget Hocus Pocus

But in the end, you’ll cry away your fear. (Binx, we’ll miss you!)

10. Make a kick-ass Halloween costume

Though you probably won’t be able to beat these.

11. Go leaf-peeping

That’s the official term for looking at fall leaves. I looked it up.

12. Have a pumpkin spice latte

They’re good and you know it. Accept it.

13. Jump in a pile of leaves

Doesn’t it look like so much fun?

14. Eat candy. All of the candy.

Just because you’re not trick-or-treating anymore doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to have any.

15. Read in a cozy sweater by the fire

Because it’s just the best.

16. Have a bonfire with s’mores and friends

Doesn’t that look amazing? Just don’t burn your friends.

17. Tell ghost stories

And relish the moment when your guy friend screams like a little girl.

18. Buy some new cardigans and sweaters

Pro-tip: go to Salvation Army.

19. Go on a hike

And try to be open-minded.

20. Decorate for Halloween

Hogwarts style.

21. Throw a Halloween party

They can be pretty sweet.

22. Go to a street fair

Where you can buy some cotton candy and try to do this with it:

23. Have some hot apple cider

Don’t be a Rainbow Dash.

24. Burn fall-scented candles

Go a little fall-er than Brittany, though.

25. Buy some flannel sheets

26. Stargaze

Okay, so the stars never look like this. But whatever.

27. Watch the sunrise

Get your butt out of bed and do it. You won’t regret it.

28. Get ready for Black Friday

It’s on sale?! BUY IT! Go crazy!

29. Snuggle with a special someone

All of the snuggles.

30. Show gratitude

Just because it’s not Thanksgiving quite yet doesn’t mean you shouldn’t remember how sweet your life is. What are your favorite fall activities? Tell me in the comments! Featured photo credit: Woman walking on a street full of dead leaves during Autumn via shutterstock.com

30 Fall Activities You Should Not Miss For Sure - 8730 Fall Activities You Should Not Miss For Sure - 46