1. They Don’t Believe In “Happily Ever After”

Do you remember all of those fairy tale endings where the hero and the heroine ride off into the sunset, inspirational music rising up behind them, and those coveted words coming across the screen as the picture fades? And they lived happily ever after… Not to sound overly cynical, but do you really think there would be nothing but peaches and rainbows in their lives as long as they lived? Life’s ups and downs aren’t optional but your ability to be happy throughout is. Positive people know that life is not only about positive stuff. They are just mentally prepared to embrace challenges and confront difficulties.

2. They Wait For 24 Hours Before Reacting to Something That Made Them Angry.

How many times have you found yourself regretting the harsh words you said in the heat of anger? Well, there’s an easy trick to avoiding this. Remember not to react right away. You’re not in a normal frame of mind when you’re angry. Your anger won’t make you want to resolve a problem; it’ll just make you want to lash out at somebody. When you’ve cooled off, ask yourself if the issue is something that really needs to be addressed or if you just overreacted. If after 24 hours, the thing that bothered is still on your mind, speak or act constructively to remedy the situation. People will respond more positively to you when you’re calm and you’ll save many relationships this way.

3. They Always Remind Themselves That the World Owes Them Nothing

Too many people walk around feeling sad, angry, and mistreated because they think that fate should treat them differently. Don’t be one of these people. It is a egocentric and damaging way to think. You and you alone are responsible for your happiness. If the world hurls misfortune at you one day, find a way to divert it or turn it into something positive. In other words, if it rains you don’t shake your fist at the sky; you bring an umbrella. Why are so many people unhappy, unhealthy, and suffering from discontent? Many of us work comfortable jobs and live relatively comfortably. What reason to we have to be negative? Really, it all comes down to perspective and attitude. We make the world we want to live in. So, let’s make it a good one. Featured photo credit: lisa runnels via pixabay.com