1. You can sleep anywhere and everywhere

From hostels and hotels to train stations and airports, there’s no stopping you from getting that much-needed shuteye. You can probably even sleep on cue and you don’t care if people are watching you drool in your slumber. Yep, sleeping wherever you want, whenever you want is something you’re good at and even have down to a science.

2. You can eat anything and everything

If you’re a travel addict, chances are you’re a daredevil and adventurer when it comes to trying new and exotic foods. And you probably douse everything with hot sauce – even hot foods. In fact, studies have shown that adventure-seeking people are way more likely to eat spicy foods than non-adventurous people. Makes sense though, doesn’t it?

3. You can breeze through airport security faster than a TSA agent can say “Passport please”

No one had to tell you to take your shoes off and remove your laptop from your backpack at the baggage check – because you were on top of your game. And there’s no fumbling your things at the pickup. For you, it’s just grab and go!

4. You’re a packing pro

In fact, you’re probably so good at it, you can stuff a whole week’s worth of clothes (plus more) into a single backpack and still be perfectly content. Of course, this takes plenty of practice, and if you’re addicted to travel, you’re bound to master this very useful skill.

5. You have friends from every corner of the globe

You probably have more friends abroad than you do at home, which isn’t extremely uncommon and makes for a much more interesting, diverse set of friends. Also, it seems that wherever you travel, you always have a go-to person, which is not only convenient of you, but also a way to make your trip much more fulfilling, memorable, and enjoyable.

6. You have a travel savings account

Traveling is expensive, and while you may not be the wealthiest person alive, it’s a way of life. You’ll do anything to make your travel dreams come true, whether it’s getting yourself a part-time job, living frugally to save money, or even opening a travel savings account. You gotta do whatcha gotta do!

7. You watch travel documentaries more than you watch the news

Everybody knows about the Travel Channel, but few people watch it religiously like you do. You’ve probably also watched your fair share of travel and adventure documentaries on Netflix – or “Youtubed” certain places you wanted to visit. When you’re not on the road, at least you’re in the “mode”.

8. You read travel books more than you read classic novels

You’re a well-read person, at least when it comes to Lonely Planet and Fodor’s travel guides. You have a broad vocabulary, at least when it comes to names of cities or the topography of a country. Second Life is your Bible and you’re obsessed with anything Rick Steves. Your guidebook collection is ever growing, but you can never get enough of them.

9. You visit travel blogs and websites more than you visit Facebook

Who needs Facebook or Instagram when you have Nomadic Matt and Runaway Juno? Not only are travel blogs such as these fascinating and entertaining, but they’re also educational and oftentimes lifesaving. There’s nothing like learning about a place through a person’s own lenses, so it goes without saying: a travel blog is a must-have for any globetrotter.

10. Speaking of Facebook, you have more photos of your travels abroad than of pretty much anything else

If there’s one reason to use Facebook, it’s to cloud all your friends’ news feeds with images of your latest exploits, from the Grand Canyon in Arizona to the Eiffel Tower in Paris, from the Taj Mahal in India to the Victoria Falls bordering Zimbabwe and Zambia. For every “normal” picture you have, there are at least ten photos of your travels abroad.

11. You have different types of currencies in your wallet

You’re probably a travel addict when you have in your possession at least a few of the following: euros, pounds, yen, and rubles. Or maybe you’ve, more than once, mistaken a Canadian dime in your wallet for an American one.

12. You’re low maintenance

This means that you’re never spending frivolously or depending on other people for your well-being, and you never really want anything that’s not a bare essential. As a seasoned traveler, you’ve mastered the art of self-sufficiency, an attribute that’s helped you not only as a traveler, but also as a person.

13. You feel at home almost anywhere, except at home

Home is where the road takes you. Ever had the post-travel blues? Ever had the feeling that you just had to travel somewhere, even right after a trip? Then you’ve been consumed by wanderlust, and nothing can change that – it’s in your blood.

14. You spend your current trip thinking about the next trip

Traveling is like money; once you have it you want more of it. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, only a sign that you have a passion for adventure and, most importantly, are a true-born travel addict.

15. You can quickly recover from jet lag

This can be useful, especially when you’re traveling to multiple countries. Never mind a seven- or eight-hour time difference; it just takes a day or two of recovery before you’re ready for that next adventure.

16. You know at least a few phrases in a few foreign languages

That, or you’re bilingual (or multilingual!).

17. You’re resourceful

No towel? No problem! A T-shirt will work just fine, at least in my case it did (when I traveled to Paris by myself a few years ago). When I realized that I’d forgotten to bring my own towel, instead of running to the next store, I decided to use my T-shirt, the exact one I had slept in the night before. As absurd as it sounds, it worked perfectly well for me and, that night, was dry enough for me to sleep in again. #BeingBudgetConscious

18. You can communicate with pretty much anyone

As a well-experienced traveler, you’ve learned that people, regardless of where they live or what language they speak, are essentially the same. Language barriers and cultural differences don’t faze you, because you know that there is always a way to communicate with people (whether through body language, facial expressions, or intonation). For you, effective communication doesn’t necessarily require an ability to speak a language, but rather, an ability to connect with people through a variety of ways.

19. You have a “to-visit” list

When others are writing their to-do list, you’re working on your “to-visit” list. And, if you’re a true travel addict, this list never ends.

20. You don’t mind a cancelled or postponed flight at a layover; for you, it’s an excuse for another adventure

A travel enthusiast’s ultimate guilty pleasure. Instead of sleeping the time away at the airport or a hotel, you turn this situation into the experience of a lifetime! The fun thing about these is that they occur when you least expect them. You gotta love those last-minute escapades! Featured photo credit: flickr via farm1.staticflickr.com