Why don’t you stand out from the crowd and skip the materialistic gifts for now? These 13 valuable things are priceless — you can’t see them by window shopping, you can’t buy them from any store, and you can only derive them out of the goodness of your own heart. Which items made the list?

1. Give them sincere compliments.

Once you’re motivated to see the good in everyone, giving sincere compliments will be a walk in the park for you. Refrain from commenting on external appearances as this can seem shallow and manipulative. Instead, focus on the goodness and the individuality of your loved ones.

2. Share your time with your loved ones.

In a busy world, it’s understandable for you to have a lot on your plate right now. I’m including time as one of the things to give your loved ones as it is considered so valuable: it’s seen as scarce and in-demand, so sharing it with the people you love is generous.

3. Give a healthy dose of compassion.

One of the best (and hardest!) things to give your loved ones is forgiveness. You can only forgive them wholeheartedly if you aim to see things from their perspective and understand their reasons for their decisions. Try to be the bigger person once in a while. You’ll find that your loved one won’t be the only one to benefit from this — you may even learn something new about yourself, too.

4. Give your smile. Lots of it.

Turn that frown upside down and show your smile to the people you love. Nurture a loving and happy relationship with them. This can help you too, you know: in a study in Psychological Science, it was discovered that smiling during the course of experiencing brief stress can actually reduce the intensity of your body’s stress response. Receive smiles and give smiles. Either way, it can make you and your loved one feel good. Smiles are always great things to give your loved ones.

5. Give a healthy amount of your trust.

Trust isn’t something that you can readily give, so the people you’re giving it to must be pretty special. Let them know that you trust them. Make them realize that you’re sharing a fragile part of yourself with them by choosing to trust them instead of resorting to harsh judging.

6. Give them a boost of empowerment.

Set up a time for you and your loved ones to contribute to the world by attending service activities such as fund-raising and donating events. Allow your loved ones to feel motivated by giving back. Give them the chance to help the world and make it a better place in their own way.

7. Give your love and show it too.

Don’t forget to tell your loved ones just how much you love them. Say it with a kiss, with a hug or with an embrace. Always consider their feelings and let the little things count in your relationship with them.

8. Give an ample amount of acceptance.

Let your loved ones know that you accept them for who they are. Of course, looking out for them will always be your priority, but remember that they’re the only ones who can really figure out what they want in life. Accept unconditionally. Don’t judge.

9. Give a sprinkle of optimism every day.

Life is too short and too precious to waste your energy on the negative aspects of life. Always let your loved ones know that there will be greater times ahead of them. Urge them to believe and be positive.

10. Give your devoted belief.

Maybe your loved one wants to chase a dream but is too scared and too discouraged to do so. Ease their burden by letting them know that you believe in them. Believe in them enough to delegate something that’s in their realm of specialty. Tell it to them straight and show it in your actions.

11. Give a nurturing ear.

Welcome silence during the conversation and allow your loved ones to vent. Refrain from arguing. Stop thinking of cliché things that you can say. Don’t talk. Just listen.

12. Give your loved ones your undivided presence.

Don’t just give them your time — give them your presence, too! Your presence is one of the most valuable things to give your loved ones. This means being there and living there: being there while reading a book or being there while playing around with your iPhone doesn’t count! Drop everything else and focus on giving your whole presence to your loved one. Really be there. Really revel in the moment.