Future predictions are a funny thing. Although some may seem ridiculous, or at the very least misguided, there’s always people who are pessimistic about seemingly impossible feats and changes. Here we have thirteen of the most incorrect future predictions ever made: 1859 1873 Associates of Edwin L. Drake refusing his suggestion to drill for oil. 1878 Sir John Eric Ericksen, British Surgeon. 1883 Erasmus Wilson, Oxford Professor.  1888 Lord Kelvin, President of the Royal Society. 1903 Professor Joseph Le Conte, Popular Science Monthly. 1912 The President of The Michigan Savings Bank. 1919 Syracuse Herald. 1920 Tris Speaker, Baseball Hall of Famer on Babe Ruth. 1944 The New York Times. 1948 Emmeline Snively, advising would-be model Marilyn Monroe. 1955 Mary Somerville, pioneer of radio educational broadcasts. 2005 Variety Magazine.  The Future That Never Happened: 13 Failed Predictions That Couldn’t Have Been More Wrong | Visual.ly, Hendrick’s and The Huffington Post Nikki Finke, LA Weekly.

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