But our emotions can also lead us in the wrong direction. This is why having emotional strength is an essential necessity in life. But, what is emotional strength? And are you emotionally strong? If you don’t know the answer to these questions, here are 12 signs that you are an emotionally wealthy person even if you don’t feel like you are!

1. You Understand That Happiness Is A Decision.

Everyone wants to be happy, but many people don’t understand that being happy is their decision. Emotionally wealthy individuals understand that emotions are nothing more than reactions to the way they perceive a particular cause. For example, if someone steps on your brand new sneakers by accident you can either get upset at the person or forgive them for making a mistake. Yet many people let outside circumstances like this control their inner reality and dictate how they feel from that point on. When you understand that your emotions don’t reflect reality, but the way you interpret reality, then you truly understand that you have complete control over your own happiness.

2. You are confident.

You are a confident person if you believe in yourself and your abilities. Emotionally wealthy people value themselves deeply and don’t feel the need to seek acceptance within others. They work hard to achieve what many others don’t and they understand that being a magnificent person takes great effort and determination.

3. You Don’t Do Things You Don’t Want To.

Many people give in to peer pressure and end up doing things they never wanted to do in the first place. Emotionally strong people understand that they don’t ever have to do anything they don’t want to and they almost always manage to figure out ways to end up doing the things they want.

4. You Choose Your Friends Wisely.

Most people in the world are miserable and misery loves company. Emotionally wealthy people are emotionally strong for a reason, they don’t just let anyone into their lives. They don’t expose themselves to negative people who will break them down and damage their sense of self. They choose who they surround themselves with wisely.

5. You Don’t Hold Grudges.

Holding onto a grudge is like holding onto a hot piece of coal hoping that it burns the other person. Holding grudges does more harm than it ever does good. Holding onto grudges means you are living in the past. Emotionally wealthy individuals understand that the present moment is all you will ever have. They choose to forgive and forget those who have wronged them in the past.

6. You Are Mature.

You are emotionally wealthy when you understand that you are the only one who is responsible for the results in your life. Life is difficult, but you are willing to take on any challenges it throws at you.

7. You Don’t Feel The Need To Fit In.

You don’t feel the need to fit in because you know that you play an important role here on earth. The stronger you are emotionally, the more independent you become. When you feel the need to “fit in” it shows that you are afraid to be yourself.

8. You Keep It Real.

Emotionally wealthy people give the best of themselves at all times and they choose authenticity over insecurity. You know you keep it real when don’t have to play guessing games with people because you get straight to the point. It takes courage to show who you are and to speak about what’s really on your mind.

9. You Don’t Allow Others To Bring You Down.

When you take on a new venture and people tell you that you’re not going to succeed, you don’t accept their words but you use them as fuel. You know that this world is filled with people who are looking to hate on you and make you feel insignificant, but you never allow them to put out your fire!

10. You Treat People How You’d Like To Be Treated.

When people are mean to others for no reason it’s a sign that they lack self-confidence. You’re emotionally wealthy if you understand that if you want to be treated nice and kindly, you have to treat people that same way.

11. You Work At Your Own Pace.

In this fast-paced world filled with constant excitement, you can easily overwhelm yourself. Emotionally strong people appreciate taking deep breaths, working at their own speed and living in the present moment because it makes them feel alive.

12. You Practice Gratitude.

Emotionally wealthy people understand that gratitude is a way of life. The more grateful you truly feel, the more you can expect to receive. They understand that they’re fortunate to have what they have today and that many people around the world don’t even have a fraction of what they do. If this is you, then you’re emotionally wealthy. Share these 12 signs with your friends if they resonated with you and please leave me a comment if you just discovered that you’re an emotionally wealthy person! Featured photo credit: IM Free via flickr.com