What makes you different from other people are the habits you have and practice daily. What you do every day from the morning until the evening has such a significant influence on the way it will shape you as a person and help you live a happier life. By having a particular routine you write your own page for each day. If you want to feel more productive with the work you do and satisfied after each task done, you really need to think what you are doing in order to accomplish your daily goals. By including a few of these habits, you will feel more fulfilled because these habits work from me every day and keep me motivated to achieve even more! 1. Wake Up Early If you want to have more time to achieve the things you set for the day, just wake up an hour earlier. You decide what to do with the extra minutes you have every morning – you can spend it to have a delicious breakfast, pick up your clothes, and get ready or dance on your favorite music. Whatever it is, just put some time aside to do the things you love before you kick off for the day! 2. List the things you are grateful for Writing a few things you are thankful for in your journal will create a positive and fulfilling start of the day. It is so important from time to time to stop and really think and appreciate what you have in your life. Being grateful opens up your heart to be more grateful and attract even greater things in your world. Happiness is in the little things such as giving appreciation and showing gratefulness to yourself and the people you love. 3. Go through your goals for the day If you really want to be productive each day, you must read or think through the main things you have to accomplish daily. Try to set a few main targets and really focus on achieving them instead of putting too many and having the trouble to go through all of them. Be really honest with yourself how much you can achieve for one day. Do feel fulfilled with yourself if you achieve even one main goal for the day! Start with something small and constantly add to the list and eventually you will manage to handle more things daily once you get more practice. 4. Pack a healthy snack for work or school Healthy body = Healthy mind. In order to create more stuff every day, you need to have enough energy for that. And you can get that essential energy only if you eat something nutritional and healthy. Replace the chocolate with a banana if you want something sweeter and bring some salty nuts if you need to satisfy your cravings for salty food. 5. Switch off your wifi or your phone and be present Going offline throughout the day is so important to be more productive and happy with yourself. Social media tends to get us distracted and we cannot really achieve the goals for the day if we are not truly present. Try to put your phone away for about 30 minutes and tell yourself that you will only focus on your work for that time. You can celebrate after that with a 5-10 min short break online and then – do the same for the next half an hour or more! 6. Take a short walk or exercise If you tend to sit for most of the time while you are at school or work, taking a short walk during lunch break could be really beneficial for you! We spend so much time indoors that we forget the importance of doing any physical activity and having fresh air. Taking a walk can clear your mind, boost your energy and well-being and recharge your batteries for the rest of the tasks you need to accomplish! 7. Read a few pages from a book It is so essential to spend time every day on self-growth and self-education. There are so many books out there on various topics such as health, happiness, successful relationships and personal development. For example by reading a spiritual book daily you will add up to your positive thinking and attitude towards yourself and the outside people or by reading a skill-orientated book you can learn or enhance an asset. 8. Write your goals for the next day Before going to sleep write down your goals for the next day. This will really help you organize tasks for tomorrow and give you satisfaction that you have a well written plan for each day of the week. 9. Prepare your lunch for tomorrow You would ask why this will make me happy and productive? It will make you so because packing your own food for school or work will help you create a useful habit for you to take better care of your body and health. Prepare some nutritional lunch that will give you the energy you need to create more and be more productive and satisfied with yourself. If you do prepare it the night before you will also have more time for yourself in the morning and you will not need to rush around your place to leave on time. 10. Go to sleep with positive thought Think of a few amazing things that happened today. By doing this you will sleep with a positive mind and grateful heart and will be even more excited for the following day that will bring more and more exciting things. To help yourself to fall asleep with a positive thought you can listen to some meditation music, write down your thoughts in a journal or simply thank yourself for giving your best that day. Do not forget to appreciate yourself at the end of each day too, you are doing your best in order to be happy and productive every day! Featured photo credit: Girl on a lawn/ Josef Seibel via flickr.com